Letter to Natural Resources Minister re; Line 5


15 March 2022


The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, P.C., M.P.

Minister of Natural Resources

House of Commons

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6




We noted and appreciated your comments regarding the importance of the U.S. Administration becoming more engaged on the legal hearings on the future of Enbridge Line 5.

It is imperative that all interested parties in Canada and the United States speak with one voice on the importance of this 540,000 barrel per day energy delivery infrastructure.  In the context of global security , the increase in delivery of oil products to the United States from Russia over the past year, and the aggressive invasion which that flow of funds has financed in Europe, it is now quite clear what effects – environmental, economic, and hazardous – would have impacted upon Great Lakes U.S. states and Eastern Canadian provinces, had the Governor of Michigan’s attempt to shut down Line 5 occurred.

We urge you to continue to engage the U.S. Administration directly on the now clearly obvious effects of breaking North America’s energy supply infrastructure.  The first step in not having to fix what is broken, is to not break what you already have.  An additional benefit to the State of Michigan would be for the State Administration to cease the delays on the Line 5 replacement tunnel that will continue to carry North American energy supplies from environmentally-advanced energy producers to energy consumers in mid-west and eastern markets.

North America’s energy suppliers and their delivery partners – including Enbridge – need the certainty that is embodied in supranational treaties that govern their cross-border activities.  The position of the Governor of Michigan – to override an international treaty – has always been baseless.  The Government of Canada needs to be clear in supporting the position that this sub-national attempt to interfere with North America's vital energy needs will result is a clear violation of the Transit Pipelines Treaty between our two trading nations.

We are available to assist in any way you deem appropriate.



Greg McLean, M.P.                                                                  Marilyn Gladu, M.P.

Calgary Centre                                                                        Sarnia-Lambton